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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Words For Transportation in Spanish

Words For Transportation in Spanish If youre visiting an area where Spanish is spoken, youll need a means of transportation. Here are some of the most common ones, along with a sample sentence for each. Common Spanish Words For Transportation Airplane: el avià ³n. (An airport is un aeropuerto.) Los bebà ©s pueden viajar en avià ³n desde los primeros dà ­as de vida. Babies can travel by plane from the first days of life. Bicycle: la bicicleta, la bici. Cuando la gasolina subià ³ a cuatro dà ³lares, comprà © mi bicicleta para ir al trabajo. When gasoline rose to four dollars, I bought my bicycle for going to work. Boat: el barco, la bota, la barca, el ferry, la lancha, la chalupa, la canoa, la piragua, el kayak. (Names vary with type of boat and sometimes region.) Usted puede viajar en barco de una isla a otra sin problemas. You can travel by boat from one island to the other without problems. Bus: el bus, el autobà ºs, el à ³mnibus, el camià ³n, la camioneta, la chiva, el pullman. (Names vary with region and type of bus, and there are also other names not listed here.) El bus de Barcelona es probablemente el ms conveniente. The Barcelona bus is probably the most convenient. Car: el coche, el carro, el automà ³vil, el auto. Los nià ±os viajarn con ms seguridad en el coche si usan las sillas homologadas. Children will travel more safely in the car if they use approved car seats. Foot: el pie. El hotel se encuentra a 7 minutos a pie de la estacià ³n de ferrocarril. The hotel is located seven minutes by foot from the train station. Helicopter: el helicà ³ptero. El helicà ³ptero es una aeronave propulsada por uno o ms rotores horizontales. The helicopter is an aircraft propelled by one or more horizontal rotors. Horse: el caballo. Hay dos paseos a caballo al dà ­a, uno en la maà ±ana y uno en la tarde. There are two horseback rides a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Motorcycle: la motocicleta, la moto. Diarios de motocicleta es una pelà ­cula biogrfica basada en los diarios de viaje de Che Guevara y Alberto Granado. The Motorcycle Diaries is a biographical movie based on the trip diaries of Che Guevara and Alberto Granado. Subway: el metro, el subterrneo. El subterrneo de la Ciudad de Mà ©xico es uno de los ms modernos del mundo.  Mexico Citys subway is one of the most modern in the world. Taxi: taxi. Ofrecemos servicio de taxi seguro, rpido y confiable. We offer safe, fast and reliable taxi service. Train: el tren. (A high-speed train is often a tren de alta velocidad. An express train is known as a tren expreso, tren express or tren rpido. A sleeping car is usually known as a dormitorio. A railway is un ferrocarril.) Suiza es el paà ­s de los trenes de montaà ±a. Switzerland is the country of mountain trains. Truck: el camià ³n. (Other names are also used; a pickup truck is often known as una camioneta, un pickup or una pickup.) Busco trabajo de chofer de larga distancia en camiones. Im looking for work as a long-distance truck driver. Van: la furgoneta, la camioneta, la vagoneta, la buseta, el furgà ³n, el van. (Names vary with region and type of van.) La furgoneta Volkswagen fue popularizada por los hippies en Norteamà ©rica. The Volkswagen van was popularized by American hippies.

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